It has been a long time since you have heard from us. The ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2021 as you know it needs to be postponed to next year due to the capacity restrictions of the government.
<< SAVE THE DATE >> ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2022: August 24th-27th
Starting August 20th events with a capacity of 10’000 guests are again permitted. We are very excited to introduce you to our new project ZOAlina, a smaller version of the ZÜRICH OPENAIR.
<< SAVE THE DATE >> ZOAlina 2021: 1st Weekend: August 20-21 2nd Weekend: August 26-28
Information on where to purchase tickets and on the lineup will soon follow here on
We can hardly wait until we can all meet again.
If you have already purchased tickets for 2020, we will personally contact you in the coming weeks by email to inform you how to further proceed.
ZOA / -lina Team ❤️
SAVE THE DATE – ZOAlina 2021 Weekend 1 >> 20.-21. August Weekend 2 >> 26.-28. August