Lokerse Feesten hopes for corona-safe edition in 2021
The summer of 2021 will not yet be as we are used to it, but Lokerse Feesten is still hopeful that a corona-safe edition is feasible. The current situation and the prospects for this summer make it difficult to offer a festival with many international artists at full capacity to our visitors in 2021. For the second year in a row, this summer will not fully offer us what we want. But we don’t want to sit by the suits. We’ve been preparing an alternative for a while. This alternative, which will take place at the same location and time for clarity, is currently being fully developed.
Behind the scenes, many of our volunteers are already very busy preparing and the desire to organize a corona-safe edition is indeed there. We cannot yet give guarantees that this smaller-scale edition will be realised. That’s impossible in these times anyway. However, smaller-scale does not mean that we want to lose quality. We absolutely hope that music will play on the Grote Kaai again in August. But we can decide this not only: we depend on the rapidly evolving situation, but also on the framework and support created by the government. We cannot yet say what this alternative will look like in concrete terms. There are still a lot of uncertainties for us, too; that is unique to this rapidly evolving situation. We therefore follow the situation closely and try to switch with our broad group of volunteers as soon as possible. As soon as we have completed this, we will present this with equal pride.
Still, we’re hopeful. We are convinced that a corona-safe and qualitative alternative is not only possible, but also much needed for the sector and, for you, our loyal visitors. We hope, from the bottom of our hearts, to welcome you soon to the Great Quay. Keep an eye on us!